Monday, November 9, 2009

Photos from the Town Meeting

Here are a few photos from Saturday's meeting. To see more, click on the the title to this posting.

Resident Have a Say in Hamlet Planner Work

More than 75 Hillsdale residents turned out Saturday, Nov. 7, for a workshop to envision how Hillsdale's downtown could be made a more attractive, useful and interesting place for residents, businesses and visitors.

The gathering, held at Mt. Washington House under the auspices of the Hillsdale Hamlet Committee, was led by Project for Public Spaces (PPS), a nonprofit planning group hired by the town. PPS will devise a detailed design for improving the hamlet, including such things as new parking, sidewalks, lighting and plantings. It also will work with local businesses on economic development ideas and ways to bring more shoppers into the town center.

As part of its planning process, PPS asked residents at the workshop what they like about the hamlet and what they might like to see changed. Residents broke off into five groups, each of which examined in detail one of five areas of the town center. The areas were the central Cullen Park outside Hillsdale House, the Route 22 corridor near the Hillsdale Country Diner, the Hamlet Park and Maple Street area, the Anthony Street area, and the area near Herrington's hardware store, where the Harlem Valley Rail Trail may one day be extended.

The groups envisioned how these sections of the hamlet could be improved and what types of amenities and new uses they might have. Among the ideas from the residents: create more gathering places and seating areas; encourage the creation of new businesses, such as a coffee shop, drug store and restaurants; find ways to showcase the work of local artists and craftspeople; and, upgrade the roads and walkways to slow traffic, make streets safer and encourage people to walk around.

More detail on the actual responses of the residents will be made available on this blog as soon as the data is reviewed and distributed by Project for Public Spaces.


Your input is needed!

Project for Public Spaces (PPS) has created a survey about the Hamlet that it would like as many residents as possible to complete. Tell us your perceptions of the hamlet and what types of services, amenities and changes you would like to see.

There are three ways you can access the Hamlet Survey:

1. Click the link in the title to this post. You will be able to complete the survey instantly, and your responses will be sent directly to PPS.

2. Paper copies and drop boxes for completed surveys are available at Town Hall, the IGA supermarket and the B&G Gourmet and Wine store.

3. Finally, you can also access the digital survey by visiting our Planner Document Library. Go here:

One final survey, specifically designed for Hamlet businesses is in the works. We will post that survey when it is ready.

PPS will take all the information gathered from the interviews, the workshop and the surveys to guide its draft copy of a design and development plan. The results of these information gathering efforts will be posted on this blog as soon as they are available.